Last Action Hero Movie Review

With an acting career as large as Arnold Schwarzenegger's, you're bound to have a few stinkers under your belt. However, few have the reputation of Last (blog post) Action Hero. The (click links) first film which Schwarzenegger was credited as executive producer, Last Action Hero released to a buzz of hype to take on.... Jurassic Park. Well then, t

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Gamera vs Viras Movie Review

Also known as Destroy all Planets, Gamera vs Viras shows that as early as the 4th movie of the original 8 film Gamera series, they were already running out of ideas. Seemingly taking several pages from the Godzilla film Destroy all Monsters plotwise, what the budget didn't allow the producers to fill in they simply made up for with liberal use of s

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Rumble in the Bronx Movie Review

Known as Hung fan kui for it's 1995 release in Hong Kong, the 96 release "Rumble in the Bronx" introduced the world to Jackie Chan! Again, as he was already pretty well known.. but still! When it comes to stunts and action (blog) choreography, it's hard to go wrong with Jackie Chan. Oh, and the movie's about something about New York and some diamon

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The Star Wars Holiday Special Movie Review

In keeping with the theme of 1 Star Wars review a month until I can make it through the whole series... it's time for the one that I must admit, several of you saw coming. The made for science fiction movies TV special that has a cult following in much the same way that Manos: Hands of Fate has a cult movie reviews following... Like hairy family me

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Out for a Kill Movie Review

Week 3 of the Summer of Steven Seagal is in full swing, with his 2003 straight to video release Out for a Kill. In it Seagal plays a very different character, an archaeologist of all things. He plays horror movie reviews this character as if it were a character played by Seagal, as he single handedly kills off an entire super-syndicate without even

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